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What is the concentrate?

What is the concentrate?

Nowadays, the word “concentrate” is mostly used in the livestock and poultry feed and food industry. Concentrate (in French Concentrer) means compressing. A compact form of one or a few substances that the majority of the base component has been removed is called “concentrate”. For instance, poultry concentrate is rich in amino acids and vitamins, and minerals. Dewatering a suspension solution, for example, a juice makes a powder or extract which is called concentrate.

The word “concentrate” which is used in animal feed, is a type of food including all necessary and needed ingredients for animal fattening and contains more than 7% protein and 18% fiber.

The concentrate has different meanings for poultry and animal feed. In poultry feed, it contains merely micronutrients including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

The advantage of using concentrate is decreasing the weight of the material by dewatering which leads to easier and cheaper transportation. Moreover, it can be easily use just by adding water as a solution.

Various juices are made by adding water and sugar to the extract of the fruit or concentrate.

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